Title | Rationale | Aichi targets |
Target 10: By 2020, the multiple anthropogenic pressure on coral reef, and vulnerable ecosystems impacted by climatic ch | The increase of anthropogenic pressure coupled with climate change on coral reefs and other vulnerable ecosystems has led to serious degradation of coral reefs and vulnerable ecosystems. |
Target 11: By 2020, area covered under marine protected areas be increased from 6.5% to 10% and effectively manage exist | About 40% of the terrestrial area is set aside as wildlife and forestry protected areas, however only 6.5% of the marine area is protected leaving a substantive size of ecologically and biologically... |
Target 12: By 2020, species that require special attention are identified and managed for long-term sustainability in a | Due to anthropogenic activities and climate change impacts there has been an increase in threatened and endangered species in the country. In order to manage such species sustainably, more information... |
Target 13:By 2020, Strategies to reduce genetic erosion developed and implemented to maintain genetic diversity of culti | Recent studies demonstrate that genetic diversity is declining in natural ecosystems as well as in agricultural and livestock production systems. The extent of such decline and its overall impacts has... |
Target 14: By 2020, ecosystems that provide essential services, related to water, and contribute to health, livelihoods | Different ecosystems have continued to provide essential services to human being and other life forms, however population increase and unsustainable human activities has led to deterioration of these... |
Target 15: By 2020, ecosystem resilience and the contribution of biodiversity to carbon stocks has been enhanced, throug | Deforestation and forest degradation increases at alarming rates where 38% of its forest cover is lost at an annual rate of 400,000 ha. This trend jeopardizes the capacity of forest biodiversity to... |
Target 16: By 2020, Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits from utilization of biodiversity resource is in force and ope | Establishment of a functional framework for ABS promotes sustainable use of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge while strengthening opportunities for access , fair and equitable... |
Target 17: By 2016, Tanzania has adopted NBSAP as a policy instrument, and has commenced implementation with effective, | Tanzania adopted the first NBSAP, 2001 as a policy instrument to address loss of biodiversity in the country. Following adoption of Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 Tanzania reviewed its... |
Target 18: By 2020, traditional knowledge, innovation and practices relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of | Being a society of mixed tribes and ethnic groups, Tanzania is well endowed with valuable traditional knowledge and innovations that can complement biodiversity conservation measures. However such use... |
Target 19: By 2020, significant increase in the contribution of knowledge, technology and scientifically based informati | Limited capacity for research, technology and generation of accurate information and data on biodiversity limit its contribution in planning and decision making process. The need to increase knowledge... |