Serengeti National Park
IUCN category
II (National Park)
Designation type
Terrestrial and Inland Waters Protected Areas
Surface area
14763.0 km²
Governing type
Federal or national ministry or agency
Management plan
The Serengeti is home to the world’s largest populations of Wildebeest, Zebra, Cape Eland, Lion, Cheetah, Hyena and Gazelles. The scenic beauty of the sky with cool nights and warm days makes your visit to this remaining home for great migration of large mammals incredible.
Serengeti National Park, a world-renown, World Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site that has many attractions than any other national park in Africa. The Great Migration, The Big Five, Unique Bird Collections, Endangered Species, Highest concentration of Carnivores and Herbivores, Scenic and Spectacular Landscapes are some of the attractions one will encounter